Well, first I have to finish all of the queries so that the site is functional and interesting to play with!!
When that is done, in the next few days, this list will contain the other changes that are on my "to do" list:
Redo the queries on long lists such as under "People" so that only a certain number are shown per page. (High Priority)- Create feedback form on "General Info" page. (Low Priority)
- Stop top menu from jumping around (Medium Priority)
- Add ability to search for people by state (Low Priority)
Fix the bug where the state and political party don't show up on Senator's profiles (High Priority)- Find a way to sort the list of people into two justified columns (Low Priority)
Add ability to search by donor (Medium priority)Remove eXist namespace declarations from output (High Priority)- Finish creating State-mapping files (High Priority)
- Fix favicon glitch (Low Priority)
- Center page and change to relative sizing (Low Priority)
Make collection of candidate party and state dynamic (High Priority)Add full names into person files (low priority)Handle the strange names like Jr's and Bono Mack (low Priority)- Create "order by" menu for bill section
- Check to see if info is returned when listing bills sponsors on Bill Info page and don't display the heading if not (medium priority)